Merrick Grain-Free Bone Broth Dog Food Topper, 7 Ounces, Beef, Made in The USA
Human-grade bone broth for dogs
A nourishing and delicious grain-free topper for your dog’s food
Bone broth is a natural source of minerals and compounds to support dog’s joints
Merrick’s Grain-Free Bone Broth is a nourishing and delicious dog food topper that is the perfect addition to your dog’s meal. Serve bone broths over dry dog food for a boost of flavor or as a savory treat. It’s made with real, human-quality ingredients, including cinnamon and superfoods like blueberries, butternut squash and parsley. Bone broth is a natural source of minerals and joint supporting compounds. Made in in our Hereford, TX kitchen and cooked in the USA, in facilities that uphold strict FDA guidelines.
Human-grade bone broth for dogs
A nourishing and delicious grain-free topper for your dog’s food
Bone broth is a natural source of minerals and compounds to support dog’s joints
Merrick makes our Beef Bone Broth with real, wholesome ingredients like cinnamon and superfood blueberries and butternut squash
Made in the USA
Specification: Merrick Grain-Free Bone Broth Dog Food Topper, 7 Ounces, Beef, Made in The USA
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