STRONG, FEARLESS, INTELLIGENT, LOYAL MEET THE GERMAN SHEPHERD. The German Shepherd is hailed as the world’s leading police, guard, and military dog, but there is so much more to this outstanding dog. Originating in 1899 in Germany, the breed first gained international recognition at the decline of World War I. Later, the fame associated with Rin-Tin-Tin and Strong heart shot the popularity of the German Shepherd sky-high. A loving family companion, herder and show competitor, the German Shepherd is one of the most popular breeds in the world. Increase your rent by buying Toys for your dogs and upgrading them to Big Bones. Sounds easy enough until you get fleas, have an accident on the carpet, or worse yet, get sent to the kennel. So grab your token and advance to go German Shepherds. Who knows. You may soon be Best in Show or marching in the Dog Parade. Whatever happens, keep your wag on. For 2 – 6 players, ages 8 and up. Includes directions for traditional play and for the one hour version as well.
For 2-6 players
The board game classic with a Shepherd twist
Choose traditional play or one hour version
Opoly-style play
For 2-6 players
Traditional play or one-hour version
Great family fun
Specification: Late For the Sky German Shepherd-opoly
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